July Newsletter, Swim Over, Change Over, Club recognised, Inclusive Kids, Garden Expo, MND support, Care Outreach support, and all club news 

Alex Rotary July Newsletter - Swim, Changeover, Plans, Tasks, Community, Calendar - its all here !! 

Solstice Swim "Wash Up"

So we maxxed out again at the 2024 Solstice swim with over 300 swimmers registering to have fun at Alex Beach on the Winter Solstice Event. Everyone is asking when is the next one, and one bewildered swimmers asked why don't we have the solstice later in year when it is warmer? Doh! Unfortunately the control of celestial bodies is beyond the ability of the club and we're sort of obliged to have it on the shortest day of the year because of the name. Which happens to be in what is (laughingly) called "winter" in these parts of the world. 
HUGE thanks to all the supporters of the swim, especially the lifesavers, led by Chris and Lex, Amy and admin team, volunteer community groups such at Mooloolaba Rotary and Mooloolaba Yacht Club, individual volunteers from the community who helped with ushering and time keeping, our great MC Ken Boulton, the Sunshine Coast businesses who sponsored the swim, led by Grant at North Coast Boating, Anthony at Miller Sockhill Lawyers, James and Sheree at Innovative Planning Solutions, Stephen at Blackburne Jackson Architects, Sean at Seaborne Clothing, Grant at Sunshine Coast Business Solutions, Scott at Structures Engineering Design, Tiffany at Suncorp, Mayce at RipCurl, Debbie and Kirsty at Okinja ELC, Dion at Masterverse, Dean and Sophie at Cricks VW, Belinda at BFresh, Sunshine Coast Council and of course Helen and the amazing team at Alex Surf Club who looked after us so well at the Solstice Swim and then later at our Changeover dinner. 
Thank you all. We will be having a small thank you function later in the month that we hope all can attend so we can thank you personally.
Other suggestions, are to build on what was originally a tongue-in-cheek suggestion that we charge for the sugar babies who want to wear a wet suit. So the new suggestion for next year is we take that suggestion further and charge our amazing swimmers an extra $20 if they choose to wear a swim suit. EEK! what a great idea. 
We'll run the idea of making swimsuits optional past Council for next year and see what they say. ....??
In the post swim survey we carried out the club was told that 99% of the swimmers rated the swim "very high" in terms of enjoyment and 99% said they look forward to joining next years swim. So everyone give yourself a pat on the back. 
Some suggestions for improvement were taken on board, and we will do better with our timing equipment next year, consider age awards for swimmers, and improve some safety aspects of the swim. 
A fantastic day...thank you all.  
We've posted some photo's (thanks Alex Polizzi) on our Solstice Swim page which we will update as we head into the next ....more successful.... swim.
We'll also keep our regular readers updated with the good that you have done in the community by supporting the Inclusive Kids "Fuel for School " program.
The kids won't know you, but we know you've "made a difference"

New Club Board 

As it's the end of the Rotary year, we have a new board. Here they are below.
A great mix of enthusiasm, & experience and all with a "Can Do" attitude.
Not quite sure what's going on here, Monique seems to be stabbing Michelle (??), who is taking it in good spirits. 

Club receives District Award for membership growth.

Assistant District Governor Bernie presented outgoing President Tony with the Glen Kinross award for the Rotary club with the most increased membership. This was a big surprise and an honour for the club, especially when one considers the District size (huge - from Qld to PNG and beyond) and the number of clubs (many). 

Inclusive Kids gives a big Thank You

Paul Morton from IFYS and Inclusive Kids gave a speech from the heart at the swim prize giving, where we heard of the great work that Inclusive Kids does with the schools (Fuel for School) and some personal stories that explain the struggle that many parents face with cost of living pressures. It obviously touched a few of our prizewinners who were kind enough to donate back their prizes to the Kids. Thank you.
And on changeover night, MLA and honorary member of Alex Rotary, Fiona Simpson, and Division 4 Councillor, and former Maroochydore Mayor, Cllr Joe Natoli were on hand to present Paul and Inclusive kids a cheque for $40,000 from the proceeds of The Alex Solstice Swim.  

Club gives Garden Expo support 

It was very early mornings this week for the club members who volunteered to support the Garden Expo in Nambour. Rotarians have acted as traffic controllers at this major event for many years.
Frankly, it's not the most exciting job in the world, but it did give a certain scribe great amusement directing traffic in a mudbath after incessant rain on some of the Expo ground. After parking the hundred or so cars in the quagmire he was seen heading off to alert towing contractors to some upcoming business heading their way. laugh
Anyway, here is the scribe in dominant traffic warden pose, and as you can see from this photo (thanks Tanya) the sun is trying to come out and he has conjured up a rainbow for the photo. ..Is there no limit to this guys powers? 
A big thanks to Mooloolaba and Nambour Rotary for inviting Alex Rotary to assist with this community event. We hope it all went well. And if you could advise where to send the dry cleaning bill that would be great. laughlaugh

MND reaches out to Alex Rotary - and we say YES

Members will recall that last year we ran a BBQ in Rotary Park on the Mooloolaba Spit for Motor Neurone Disease supporters as part of their fundraising walk. Well, this year we have the opportunity to help them again.
​​​​MND would want us to man and run a BBQ (as we did last year ) on Sunday 14th July 2024 from 7.30am to 12 noon at Parkyn Parade , Mooloolaba, with us offering to do this as our contribution to their fundraiser.
Stay tuned for more info. 
Last years photo from MND support...They haven't changed a bit !!

Club reaches out to Care Outreach with offer of Support

The club received a communication from our amazing group of Rotary Australia World Community Services
"I am reaching out on behalf of our CEO, Mahir Momand, to let you know that RAWCS (Rotary Australia World Community Service) has Drought Cards worth a total of more than $100,000 to give away to Rotary clubs to distribute to drought impacted individuals in your communities. 
Each one of our Drought Cards has a value of $500 which can be used at any place in Australia where EFTPOS are accepted. The cards are valid until 31st December 2024 and must be used before then. "
This amazing offer has a few conditions, and President Tony has taken up the task, and reached out to our mates at Care Outreach to see if we this offer this to their clients. 

Bunnings this month - are you a Masterchef?

A reminder to all members that we have a Bunnings BBQ on the Friday 23rd July at Bunnings Maroochydore.

Major Domo Craig will be away, so we will be looking for junior Major Domo's to take up the reins. (Should that be Sergeant Domo's?)

Mock interviews this 25th of this month - want to help a student with their first job?

For many years Alex Rotary has supported Maroochydore High School by providing Rotarians and their mates to sit with students and carry out a mock interview for a job or position to start their career. It's a great opportunity to coach a young Australian to do well at interview and get that all important first job. 
If you can help with this be sure to let President Tony know or email the club at

Trailer BBQ renovation for Blaze Aid 

A bit of re-scheduling has been done in relation to the renovation of our club BBQ trailer, before we present it to Charmaine and the Blaze Aid team for their work at the Gympie muster.

There is a timing clash with MND support, so our support for MND takes precedence and we'll schedule that work for another day, but make sure the BBQ spic and span with new electric and parts for the Blaze Aid volunteers.  

Where did the raffle prizes go?

Not to a certain scribe thats for sure. Well the main prize of a Rolls Royce Z grill smoker BBQ went to local celebrity, community minded business man, and (allegedly) a part time Santa Claus,  John Hutchinson.

Congratulations John on winning on main prize.

Big thanks to President Geoff and Jo-Anne and helpers for phoning round and delivering the HUGE number of raffle prizes in the Multi draw. A big thank you again to our supporters who provided the club with over $8,000 worth of prizes to give away.


Who won the RipCurl $1,000 prize?  

Surprisingly this was won by Kiara, a visitor to the Sunshine Coast from Germany (no. she didn't come here for the swim) ...who was here working and returning to Germany one week after the Swim. So with a little help from member Les, and big thanks again to Mayce at RipCurl, one lucky student is off to Germany with a very, very nice RipCurl wardrobe of clothes. 

What are Urban Angels up to?

The club is honoured to be a supporter of Urban Angels, and we receive their newsletter letting us know what amazing work Birgit and her team are doing in the community. This excerpt from their July newsletter. Great to see that there are some caring businesses and fantastic volunteers in the Sunshine Coast Community.
Helping out at Kids Kitchen

On the Sunshine Coast we are lucky to have many community minded business people who are willing to support local causes and help folks who need a hand up.

We also have a precious brand in Rotary who are known for being the force behind so many life changing local and international projects. We pride ourselves on "making a difference" whether it be at a women's refuge makeover in the middle of Maroochydore, or eradicating Polio on the global stage.

So we are delighted to support Inclusive Kids this year as part of our Solstice Swim event with the amazing Alex Surf Life Savers team.
So members turned up at the neighbourhood centre kitchen to join in the excitement of packing food packs "Fuel for School" where even the follically challenged members of the club (you know who you are !! ) had to wear a hair net for hygiene. It's been a while since a certain scribe had to wear a hair net - he was rapt. 
Great to see the other amazing volunteers there from Gym's, Cricks and the team at SeaFM and of course the Inclusive Kids volunteers led by Paul who was running on batteries after being up since 3am to make sure teh day went well. He's a champion. 
The day went without a hitch, and the volunteers managed to overachieve and exceed the initial target with over 3,000 fruit packs donated to Kawana school. 
Upcoming Events
One Roof program Mark Ellis (TBC)
Feb. 19, 2025
Fight against Malarie PDG Neil Bradley
Feb. 26, 2025
NYSF report from our sponsorees
Mar. 05, 2025
6:45 a.m. – 7:42 a.m.
ROMAC Trivia Night
Mar. 06, 2025
6:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
Michael Chiddick. Sleep Bus
Mar. 12, 2025
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
Bunnings Barbecue
Mar. 14, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Care Outreach update Bill and Melinda Close
Mar. 19, 2025
Member's Forum
Apr. 23, 2025 6:45 a.m.
Member's Forum
May 28, 2025 6:45 a.m.
View entire list

Here's some one liners from some famous comics..


Funniest Jokes And One-Liners

“My father drank so heavily, when he blew on the birthday cake he lit the candles.” – Les Dawson

“I was in my car driving back from work. A police officer pulled me over and knocked on my window. I said, ‘One minute I’m on the phone.’” – Alan Carr

“I worry about ridiculous things, you know, how does a guy who drives a snowplough get to work in the morning… that can keep me awake for days.” – Billy Connolly

“I used to go out with a giraffe. Used to take it to the pictures and that. You’d always get some bloke complaining that he couldn’t see the screen. It’s a giraffe, mate. What do you expect? ‘Well he can take his hat off for a start!’” – Paul Merton

“Here’s a picture of me with REM. That’s me in the corner.” – Milton Jones

“People say ‘Bill, are you an optimist?’ And I say, ‘I hope so.’” – Bill Bailey

“I rang up British Telecom and said: ‘I want to report a nuisance caller.’ He said: ‘Not you again.’” – Tim Vine

“Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn’t last long if you’re fat.” – Joe Lycett

“We weren’t very religious. On Hanukkah, my mother had our menorah on a dimmer.” – Richard Lewis

“My girlfriend is absolutely beautiful. Body like a Greek statue – completely pale, no arms.” – Phil Wang

“If God had written the Bible, the first line should have been ‘It’s round.’” – Eddie Izzard

“Two fish in a tank. One says: ‘How do you drive this thing?’” – Peter Kay

Club Information

Our Meeting Details

Wednesdays at 6:45 a.m.
Alexandra Headland Surf Life Saving Club
167 Alexandra Parade
Alexandra Headland , QLD 4572
Enter from the beach side, next to coffee kiosk. Magnificent morning views of the sun rising over the South Pacific Ocean.
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