Rotary Youth Programs
Rotary Youth Exchange - Three Rotary Exchange Students Through the Years

We were extremely fortunate to have one former and two current Rotary Exchange Students visit the club to tell us about their experiences overseas. Bianca spoke about her year in Spain and the many other European countries that she visited during her gap year. Check out Bianca's adventures on Facebook.
Our Honorary member Fiona Simpson MP, was there to add her support to this fantastic Rotary Youth program that adds so much to the development of teenagers and Fiona recalled her Youth Exchange year in Japan.
Our Youth Exchange (outbound) student Bianca Aird, recently returned from Spain, spoke to the club about her experiences in Denia, and around Europe, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Budapest and skiing in Andorra and cave exploring in the Czech republic.
Meanwhile our inbound student, Amy Fris from Denmark is half way through her year in Australia and was also there with "Rotary Family" Stuart and Karen. Incidentally, the Rotary Copenhagen club founded the Youth exchange program in 91927, and every year there are 9,000 Rotary Youth Exchange students around the world learning and experiencing different cultures around the world. This can only promote badly needed international goodwill and understanding.
Fiona was a Rotary Exchange student, (just a few years ago) and spent her exchange time in Japan, and has fond memories of her time there. The "three amigo's" got together to share stories about their experiences and how the Rotary Youth Exchange has left them with many long term friends around the world. Bianca is now fluent in Spanish (Couldn't speak a word before she left) and in particular the dialect of Spanish that is spoken in the Valencia region - a mixture of Spanish, French and Italian!
How marvellous that Bianca has Fiona as a high achieving female role model to relate to and no doubt we will be hearing more from Bianca as she progresses through University.
Bob Thompson also reminded us that on his recent European tour he caught up with his Exchange "family" of 25 years ago, so thats testimony to the lasting nature of relationships formed through this great program.
Meanwhile you can also catch up with our (outbound) Youth Exchange Student Chloe from Mountain Creek and her adventures in Brazil through her facebook page. See our website ( for details on that link.
Youth Safari
Ever wondered how Rotary prepares our future leaders for their international youth exchange year?
Well, a part of that is a Youth Safari experience where Bernie Wilson and her team take the kids to various Rotary clubs in the district to meet Rotarians and in that process establish friendships with each other to provide support in what will be a life changing ...but stressful year ahead.
So it was that Alex Rotary hosted this years kids on Monday night at the Alex SLSC with lots of activities to let the kids have fun and enjoy themselves. So a big thank you to Graeme, Stuart and Carmel for looking after the kids, and no your not seeing things Bianca was also there to provide support and share her experiences as our Youth exchange student with the new crop of leaders of the future.

..and it looks as though our fantastic MC on the night has not forgotten his "Headmasters pose"..... I have it on good authority that the Youth Safari team that Alex Rotary is one of the few clubs who engage the youth in game activity and that Bernie and the great youth team much appreciate the Alex Rotary "games night" and especially how Graeme and the team manage to get the teenagers to let their hair down.

Well done everyone involved. And also a special thanks to Alex SLSC for their fantastic staff, and their donation towards the Youth Safari, it is much appreciated.
National Youth Science Forum - NYSF

The National Youth Science Forum has been operating for over 30 years and its aim is to encourage young Australians to be the next generation of leading scientists, engineers and mathematics experts supporting a sustainable future for our nation. Students moving into Year 12 who wish to follow careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are introduced to research and researchers and encouraged to achieve excellence in their undertakings by helping to develop their communication and interpersonal skills.
Alex Rotary's commitment: two students being sponsored at $1,500 each
Road Safety Education

The RYDA road safety education program is delivered to local High School students by the Rotary Club of Alexandra Headland in conjunction with other Rotary Clubs in the area.
RYDA is designed for 16-18 year old students who are approaching that crucial time in their lives where they start to drive independently or are travelling as passengers of novice drivers. The program is free of cost to students.
RYDA has been conducted on the Sunshine Coast since 2009, delivering the program to 8,333 students from 12 schools. 10,000 Sunshine Coast High School students will have attended the RYDA course by the end of 2019.
The Rotary Club of Alexandra Headland commits its members as volunteers to help in the smooth running of each RYDA Day.